Good Publication Practice 2022: An Insight

What are good publication practice (GPP) guidelines? Transparency and accountability have become high priorities for the publication of company-sponsored research. Ethical publication planning should therefore ensure that the design and results of clinical trials and other biomedical research studies are reported accurately and promptly and transparently. GPP guidelines provide recommendations regarding the publication of research… Continue reading Good Publication Practice 2022: An Insight

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Patient Focused Drug Development – Listening to The Patient’s Voice

Gone are the days when patients were merely participants in clinical trials. Today, integrating the patient’s perspective about their diagnosis and treatment experience with reference to the disease plays an important role in developing patient-focused treatment. Developing patient-focused treatment involves prioritizing current unmet needs in a particular disease condition, designing patient-centric trials, and utilizing patient-appropriate… Continue reading Patient Focused Drug Development – Listening to The Patient’s Voice

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Plain Language Summary of Publications

A plain language summary (PLS) is a concise synopsis containing key take-home messages from a piece of research in a manner that is easily understood by lay people, including patients and the general public. Although lay audiences are interested in medical developments, the scholarly language and terminologies used in medical journals can limit their understanding… Continue reading Plain Language Summary of Publications

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